Do you want to be the boss? Or do you want to win?
Our egos often get in the way. It feels good to be the boss. It’s human nature to want to feel in control. But here’s the real question: Are you really the best person to lead your business? If the honest answer is no, then you have a decision to make. Do you want the...
You don’t deserve something just because you imagine it
Dreaming doesn’t deliver. The amazing job. The happy family. Or perhaps it’s the big house, fast car and expensive watches. Or fame. We all picture more. We all want more. But there is only one way for us to get it. And that is to earn it.
Asking is scary. It invites rejection. But you lose nothing by asking. You’re already losing by not asking. So ask.
Don’t build a killer product
Your product doesn’t need to solve every problem. It just needs to solve a big enough problem in a way that allows you to win. No more than that. And once you start winning, it just needs to be good enough to keep you ahead. Don’t build a killer product. Build a...
What won’t you compromise?
All partnerships require compromise. Your relationship with your spouse, your business partners or your employer. There is always something you must give up for a successful partnership to work. It might be time and energy. Or a degree of freedom. While you must...
Master the things that don’t require talent
Some parts of business require talent. Sales, negotiations, accounting, legal, strategy and corporate structuring. They are learnable skills, but no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be the best at them. But some things require no talent at all, and they will set...
Go into every meeting knowing exactly what outcome YOU want
It’s easy to wing it. Go to a meeting unprepared and just see where it goes. But few things are worse than being asked “what you want” and not having a clear answer. Always have an answer. Always have a number in mind. Knowing what you want creates a mental...
Trust your ability to adapt
A sailor does not set out believing the seas will remain calm. They set out trusting that when the storm inevitably arrives, they’ll adapt, adjust course and recover. Business is the same. It will never go entirely to plan. You will face storms. Success isn’t all...
Optimism fuels action. Pessimism kills it.
The pessimist sees obstacles. They list why a deal can’t get done or a problem is unsolvable. They demotivate, planting doubt and drain energy. They foster a scarcity mindset, pushing others to see zero-sum outcomes of a winner and a loser. Creating a negative...
Fix the right problem
There are always things to do for your business. And it’s super easy to spend time focusing on the wrong thing. Usually, the task you enjoy the most but isn’t helping you move faster. One way to prevent this is to identify and focus only on The Constraint. The...
Make a good past
You can recover from a bad first impression. You can make up for a failed pitch. Those doors will open again. But they’ll stay shut if you have a history of letting others down or failing to deliver. They’ll open even wider if you’re known for execution, fairness and...
Inputs matter, but only results count.
Are there any books on people who worked hard and achieved nothing? No one cares about your 5am club deep morning routine or how much time you spend in the office if you don’t get stuff done. Focus on your inputs. But never forget that the world judges output alone....
Creativity isn’t just for artists. It’s survival for entrepreneurs.
Things change fast in new businesses. Your product evolves. Your sales strategy shifts until it sticks. Shareholder dynamics are dynamic. Your team constantly looks for problems to solve, processes to fix and opportunities to chase. You’re always coming up with new...
More people are defeated by blisters than by mountains
It’s easy to ignore the small problems. Like the admin that’s not filed correctly. The cracks in company culture. The decisions that keep getting delayed. The big problems grab all your focus and energy. They are exhilarating. But while you tackle the big challenges...
Appreciate what’s good to change what isn’t
The world is impressive. Not just nature and the outdoors but also the incredible things we humans have created. We are extremely good at changing our circumstances. So much so that we behave as if the tools, technology, and conveniences we use daily, including simple...
Say exactly what you mean
We often imply what we mean instead of just saying it. But no one can read your mind. If you want to build stronger personal and business relationships, try be clear and direct. Remove all guessing and assumptions. Things work better when people understand exactly...
People do judge a book by its cover
First impressions matter. And bad first impressions are very hard to undo. How you look, how you dress, and how you carry yourself send a signal about who you are. Your appearance sets the expectation for the story inside. If you show up to an important meeting with...
You don’t tie two ships together in a storm
They’ll drag each other down. The same principle applies to business risk. When life is volatile, like when you’re starting a business, it’s tempting to use one asset to secure a risky one. For example, mortgaging your house to fund the acquisition of a risky venture....
Be Reliable
If no one can count on you, no one will trust you. No matter how brilliant, how smart or how talented you are. People will not open doors for you if you’re not dependable. Reliability creates opportunity. It’s a competitive advantage that compounds over time. If you...
People only care about the stories of the winners
We only hear about the companies that make it. The ones that innovate. That grow big. That leave an impact. They are the ones that survive. The ones that win. The rest? The ones that lose? They are forgotten. It’s survivorship bias. The same applies to people’s...
Don’t satisfy your customers
Delight them. My last car was a second-hand Volvo. I don’t remember exactly what I paid for it, but I remember the sales experience. It still makes me happy when I think about it. I am a delighted Volvo customer, and I often refer people to the same dealership....
Embrace the “No”
When I was in Grade 5, I asked Jacky to the movies. She said no. It stung. I was devastated but also a little proud. I’d finally sucked up the courage to ask her. Then came the embarrassment when the whole class found out. Getting a “no” hurts. It’s easy to...
The Climb Prepares You for the Summit
If you were dropped on the summit of Mount Everest tomorrow, you would die. Apart from the extreme cold and altitude sickness, the summit - at 8,849m – is deep in the “death zone”. Oxygen levels are only about 33% of what they are at sea level. Your body just isn’t...
It’s hard to ignore the person waiting outside your office
Emails and WhatsApp are easy to ignore. A call can be sent to voice mail with a single tap. But it’s almost impossible to pretend the person waiting outside your office isn't there. If you are serious about getting a deal done, be hard to ignore. Show up in...
A product only has value when it becomes a business
No matter how innovative, a product only holds value when it is turned into a business. It doesn’t matter whether people don’t want it or they’ve never heard of it. The outcome is the same. Innovation only creates value when it impacts the world, and impact only...
A crisis doesn’t create character. It exposes it.
Everything in your business seems to be spiralling out of control. Your largest customer cancels their contract. A trusted partner betrays you. Cashflow dries up, and you’re quickly heading straight for the edge of a cliff. These things happen. The question is: how do...
Get Your Partners to Announce Your Partnership
Try to get your customers to announce they are your customers, too. When a partner announces they are working with you or your company, it creates skin in the game and shows their commitment. When customers announce they are paying for your good or service, it signals...
Business is a Race
Business isn’t just a marathon or a sprint; it’s a bit of both. But there’s one key difference: unlike running or cycling, in markets with scale economies, data advantages, customer lock-ins or network effects, falling behind can mean never catching up. A small speed...
Don’t Pitch Multiple Deals
Fundraising for a business idea is uncertain, especially when the opportunity and your market understanding are evolving quickly. But one of the worst things you can do is pitch one structure to an investor and then come back a few days later with something completely...
Action Starves Anxiety
Have you noticed how anxiety peaks just before you take action? And how it fades away the moment you commit and start moving? It's like stepping on stage to give a speech, heart pounding, only to find that your words flow smoothly once you begin. Or dreading an...
Your Rise to the Level of Other People’s Expectations
This is known as the Pygmalion effect. If the people you surround yourself with believe you can achieve bigger things, this psychological effect suggests that you will likely act in ways that will prove them right. Think of a teacher at school who believed in you and...
A Captain must have a Destination
You can be in the strongest ship or the fastest aeroplane. If the captain doesn’t know where to go, you’ll drift around or end up in the wrong harbour. You are the captain of your life! No matter how skilled you are, how much luck you've had in the past or how many...
Time is a tradeoff
An hour on social media is an hour of reading lost.Surely a weekend spent glued to Netflix could have been used better?The only people who will remember the evenings you spent working late will be your kids. There are only 24 hours in a day. Time is the only thing you...
The team you build is the company you build
Once they've selected a growing market and have identified the product they will build, every entrepreneur needs to focus on building a company. And this is primarily about building a team. The right people with the right skills, attitudes and values will mean the...
You cannot swim against an outgoing tide
Like a rising tide lifting all ships, even mediocre companies can succeed in a growing market. But an outgoing tide pulls everyone out to sea. Great companies led by impressive teams will almost always fail in a shrinking market. No matter how strong you are, if you...
Sell to the departments with budget
The HR department typically does not have a budget. As much as the head of human resources may like your product, they probably can’t buy it.The same is true for other back-office cost centres (e.g. finance or legal). They don't have money. If you're looking for a...
Give loyalty before it is earned
Conventional wisdom suggests one should only extend loyalty and trust to someone after they have earned it. “Loyalty is earned, not given”, or so they say. Great leaders don’t do this. Great leaders trust from day 1. They are loyal from day 1. Early into new...
Lean into what makes you unique
"Eccentricity is one of those English traits that looks like frailty but masks a concealed strength; individuality disguised as oddity." ~ Ben Macintyre (A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal) People remember those who aren't normal. Especially, those...
You can’t do a good deal with a bad person
Considering going into business with a bad person? Do you think you can draw up a contract that will protect you? Forget it. They will win. For one thing, they probably enjoy litigation. If you’re ever tempted to go into business with someone with a reputation for...
Don’t be needy
A needy person is someone who prioritizes what other people think of them over what they think of themselves. As Mark Manson says: “Any time you alter your words or behavior to fit someone else’s needs rather than your own, that is needy. Any time you lie about your...
Looking ahead. My year in advance.
2024 was a challenging but rewarding year. My third child was born. Emma is now 9 months old. Highly mobile and full of smiles. I left my job at fibertime – a business I believe in with a mission I support – to look for a new challenge where I have more control of the...
Just take another step
No matter what, take one more step.Movement creates movement. Action creates energy. One more step. No matter how small. It gets you closer to your goals.
Only those who believe they can move mountains, do
Those who believe they can’t, will not. Without belief, there is no courage. Without courage, there is no action. Belief. Unwavering belief. It’s the most essential element in doing big things. It is how man walked on the moon, eradicated smallpox and constructed...
Fish don’t just jump into the boat
You need to go out and catch them. This is true for everything in entrepreneurship and life. It’s unlikely that good things like a partner, a business idea and sales will just come to you. You need to throw a line in the water and go find them.
My wife lifts heavier at the gym than me
Something I discovered when her trainer tried to hide her weights and give me a lighter set (he was worried it would hurt my ego). She’s shorter than me, and more importantly, she recently had a baby. I think I’m fit and active. It did hurt my ego a little. Her output...
Today is the best day to plant a tree
There’s a Chinese proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now” Hindsight makes past decisions seem easy and the missed opportunities look obvious. You can’t control the past. The only thing you can control is what you do...
You only have a business when you sell something
Until then, you almost have a business. And almost is hard to quantify. Sales is what separates a business from an idea.
Smart people vs Ideas vs Execution
Smartness is only table stakes. It’s just a requirement to play. Ideas are easy. Execution is the only thing that matters. Build your business around executors.
The three areas of your business to keep an eye on
#1 is the teamYou need to bring the best people in and remove bad elements. The entire team must be working towards one single goal. If you are not working in lock step then you will trip over each other. #2 is internal and external communication Internal...
A Culture of Curiosity
All growth businesses need to innovate constantly. To stay relevant, they need to improve their product consistently. They also need to reshape marketing and sales iteratively. This kind of innovation doesn’t come from an R&D department. It comes from a culture of...
Avoid competition but build a culture passionate to compete
In his book, Sam Walton, the legendary business wizard who built Walmart, said that if he had to single out an element of his life that made a difference, it would be the passion to compete. “That passion has pretty much kept me on the go, looking ahead to the next...
Seek genuine feedback not validation
Knowing what you’re doing right or wrong and identifying areas of improvement is one way to become a better leader, entrepreneur, writer, friend, spouse, or whatever. It’s also how you build a better product or business. After all, feedback loops drive growth. A...
Your mask becomes you
Happy with a smile. Sad with a gloomy face. Smile often and you’ll feel happier. Make a sad face for long enough and you’ll feel depressed. Our emotions show on our faces. And the faces we show the world affect our moods. It also goes much deeper than emotions… We...
11 ways to strangle personal growth
Personal growth compounds. It builds over time from an ever increasing base. Here are 11 things that slows growth or chips away at the base: Stop being curious. Stop seeking out mentors and advice. Drugs, excessive alcohol and other bad habits. Social media and other...
A team of horses or a pack of mules?
When growing your business, should you hire a horse or a mule?
Don’t expect to find diamonds without searching for them
The discovery of the Eureka Diamond was blind luck
Earn your scars in the front
The army of Alexander the Great threatened mutiny. It was during his campaign in India. The young king and his men were exhausted. All were worn out from years of hard travel and warfare. All missed their families. All wanted to home to Macedonia or their respective...
A business needs birds and frogs
The birds mustn’t peck at the frogs and the frogs mustn’t hide the diamonds
Run a business and you will learn something you can’t learn any other way
That cash flow exercise at the back of a financial management textbook may be difficult, but it is not real. Writing a report on the “7 P’s” will give you a foundation for thinking about marketing, but it will always be one dimensional and a snapshot in time. Every...
Follow the money
Of all entrepreneurial proverbs, few are said as often as “follow the money”. It’s a truism we all hear. And it’s the one we most often get wrong. Generally, when you hear someone say that they’re following the money they mean that they are selling their product in a...
Don’t rely on average inputs if you’re looking for non-average outcomes
In life, business, sport… when looking to achieve something abnormal, don’t rely on the normal. Be a little contrarian. Don’t read the same books as everyone else. Ignore the best sellers at the airport. Read history and fantasy. Don’t subscribe to the usual blogs or...
The often forgotten power of Google Analytics
I built my first website in 2006.
Trying to Build Great Startup Teams? Focus on Communication
We all want our startup teams to be successful. We want them to be creative, committed, productive, profitable, loyal and energetic.
Where Should I Live?
Over the last four years I’ve moved from Stellenbosch to Cape Town. Cape Town to Wellington. Wellington back to Stellenbosch, and from…
Few thoughts from lockdown
Lockdown in South Africa, Day 12.
Life isn’t fair, the best product doesn’t always win
If life were fair, the best product in a market would be the best selling product in that market.
Optimism. A tale of two frogs.
One evening, two frogs — an optimist and a pessimist — were hopping around a dairy. Distracted by the number of flies and cows, they both…
We already have all the pieces we need in the fight against crime.
There is no shortage of organisations trying to stop crime in South Africa.
Does marketing become derivative when the founders leave?
Before 2011, Kulula was funny. SA’s first low-cost cost airline became well known because of its cheap fares and its sense of humour.
Business is hard.
Herb Kelleher started his career as a Texas-based lawyer with no experience or understanding of planes and air travel.
Keep a Forward Trajectory
When Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple he could have become bitter and started living in the past.
You Don’t Win by Focusing on the Scoreboard
In sports, you don’t win by focusing on the scoreboard. You win by focusing on what you need to do in the game right now.
Good Process. Bad Process.
Good processes allow people to think. Bad processes turn them into robots.
Don’t just know your customers, understand them.
The Sears Catalog was the Amazon of its time.
Stop Expecting Others to Care About Your Startup as Much as You Do.
Taking an idea from zero to a business is hard. You invest time, stress and money, and sacrifice alternative career paths.
Trust is Integrity and More.
If you show low integrity in day-to-day activities — like cheating in squash or making small promises that you don’t keep — people will…
Would you rather be in the business of moving pianos or installing lifts?
It is more expensive for you to have your piano moved in or out than it is to have a new lift installed in your building…
If your Startup is Financially Unsustainable, it’s a Burden on society
Startups typically use software to solve a problem at scale. In exchange, they demand money — an exchange of value — from the users, a…
People will Buy from You Out of Boredom Alone
If your product or service provides an escape from boredom, sell it in boring places.
Will you be Happy if You Benchmark Yourself Against Others?
“What would you do if you woke up tomorrow with a million dollars in your bank account?”
Every Race Needs Two Dogs and Maybe Even a Rabbit
“Well, boys, if you are going to have a dog race, then you are going to need a rabbit. And Oracle will be one hell of a rabbit.” — Michael…
Life is a Series of Long-Term Tradeoffs
What do you want to be when you grow up? A professional athlete, a successful businessman, a famous painter or carpenter, a loving parent…
Be in a Team with your Spouse 🏆
Have you ever spent time with a couple who, whenever one of them is out of the room, the other talks badly about them behind their back?
Look for Small Improvement that Add Up
Minor changes in process, and effort, and thinking can add up to become remarkable improvements. Especially in the long run. Even more so…
Confidence is conditional. Overconfidence isn’t.
In a survey of entrepreneurs, all will acknowledge that most new businesses fail. All will also believe their business will be a success.
Why take entrepreneurial risks alone?
At its core, entrepreneurship is a tradeoff between risk and return. You risk financial certainty and an average career to pursue a…
Don’t rush to the smoke in the distance
It was how he dealt with the sound of unexpected smoke, gunfire and explosions — signs that his troops were fighting for their lives…
We live in a world of bubbles
We tend to hang out with people who are similar to us.
Are you selling an A product?
In the late 1940s, the first tobacco company of Anton Rupert — the South African ‘child of depression’ who went on to build a multi-billion…
Feedback through ego-tinted glasses
Personal feedback from friends, family, colleagues and mentors on how we’re doing and what we should improve on is essential. It helps us…
but can you sell it?
An incredible idea or a fabulous product doesn’t mean anything unless you can sell it.
Confirmation Bias: Disprove your opinions
Like it or not, believe it or not, we are not open-minded.
Base your decisions on future value and not on past costs
Instead of adding up everything you’ve committed, spent or sacrificed to date think about what will make you happy, healthy and wealthy…
Keep making it easier for your customer to purchase
Find a book that you may want to read. Click on the big orange button and receive an SMS from your bank saying that $10.39 has been…
Stay in there and pitch
It is more profound to say it to someone when everything is going as planned (even if they are falling to Earth)
Don’t be fooled by your vanity metrics
Vanity metrics like the total number of app downloads or daily active users play an important role in helping you and others understand your business. They can be used to monitor whether you’re growing or not, or whether that change in a support process or a new...
Namola and making South Africa safer
Namola is South Africa’s fastest growing security, policing and emergency response app. It is available nationally, has 160,000 registered…
A good idea means very little
Most businesses fail. Far more never get off the ground.
Switch off your rational mind from time to time
You’re facing a difficult decision. You need to choose Option A or Option B; perhaps you’re considering a pivot of your business or the…
Thank you
It’s that time of year again…. Family, reflections and new years resolutions. As we celebrate the end of 2017 remember to be thankful to those who guide us through the adventure of life. 1.Family The moral compass and for being available when no one else is there....
Are you as awesome as you think you are?
We all have our blind spots. For certain skills — perhaps our ability to do maths, drive a car or see business opportunities — we may not…
Superalert, hungry but not weak, and ready to hunt
Yarak is a word from the sport of falconry used to describe when a bird is superalert, hungry but not weak, and is ready to hunt. It is when the falcon is scanning the horizon and is able to chase down anything that moves, but is not desperate enough to go after prey...
It’s never just business
Whether the deal gets done is never only about the numbers. The people, personalities, beliefs and the various other off-the-books circumstances impact what happens in the office. People like doing business with people that they like. If you’re not likeable, you’re...
Don’t step over the trash in your path
The title is not a metaphor. If there is a dirty wrapper, an old coke can or a piece of plastic in your vicinity, don’t ignore it. Pick it…
Using people is like picking up pennies in front of a steamroller
We’re all ambitious, we’re all driven and we all want to make a success of our short lives.
Things not going well? Chase. Cross. High five.
Struggling to close a deal? Clients owe you money and your runway is rapidly coming to an end? Second guessing your decision to quit your…
Passionately sell what you understand and believe in
We’re all sales people. Like it or not. We’re all trying to convince someone to “buy” something from us. Maybe it’s a pair of shoes or a magazine. Maybe it’s persuading a potential employer into believing that you’re productive or convincing a pretty girl to go for a...
We’re the star of our own movie and no one else’s
We see the world through the eyes of a single character; ourselves. Our journey is watched through the lens of our individual past, our…
Is there a worm in your banana? A lesson on acknowledging and accepting your misbeliefs
“I haven’t eaten a banana since I was 10” he said. I didn’t believe him. He was in his 70’s. I was about 12 and was eating a banana at the time. Ronnie went on to explain how he had grown up in England during the second world war. Due to the food rationing, the first...
Give the good news first
We’re surrounded by bad news. Stories of terrorism, natural disasters, violence, crime, corruption and economic pessimism hog the…
The often forgotten power of Google Analytics
I built my first website in 2006.
TEDxJohannesburg: The way we respond to crime needs to change
November 2016 on Namola
How to write killer email
Business communication revolves around email. No two ways about it. It has become the foundation of how teams get onto the same page. It is…
We’re all ducks on water
Everyone in business (and in life in general) is the same. On the outside we try our best to look calm, collected and as if everything is…
Execute passionately. Execute aggressively. Execute now.
Do you want to be remembered for your amazing plans or for your epic execution?
Culture and Revolution: A summary of the talk by Andreessen Horowitz.
There has only ever been one successful slave revolution.
Could Nelson Mandela Bay become South Africa’s next Innovation Capital?
From driverless cars to the green energy revolution, integrated smart cities and new apps for funny selfies, all the innovations that are…
Entrepreneurial advantage by the aggregation of marginal gains
Britain is one of the powerhouses of the sport of cycling. At the 2012 Olympics, Team Great Britain Cycling won 8 gold medals. At #Rio2016…
Never wrestle with a pig
Some people just want to argue and fight. They like the attention. They like the excitement.
We are biased to our tribes. Actively seek advice elsewhere.
A few months ago I published a post on how we should all choose our tribes — groups of people who we want to spend time with and who we…
Take a breath. Everything is going to be ok.
As a South African reading the daily news, it’s difficult not to feel like the proverbial frog sitting in a pot of water on a lit stove.
Dig in when the digging gets too hard for others
When diamonds were first discovered in Kimberly South Africa, they were found in abundance in a layer of soft, easy to mine, yellow looking…
Lead your troops over the Alps
What is the biggest and most audacious goal that you have for your business? Whatever it is, think bigger and go for it.
The three people we need for effective learning
To learn about business from all angles we need to actively seek out and surround ourselves with three different people: Someone better and more experienced that you can learn from (a mentor), Someone less experienced and greener that you can teach (a mentee), and...
What the rise of the Mongol empire can teach us about conquering the business world
The Mongol Empire was the largest continuous land empire the world has ever seen. Starting from Central Asia, the Mongol Empire grew…
Don’t feel guilty about profit-
Business is about making money. Don’t hide from that.
Advice for new software companies
Unless you want to be the next hotel chain, the next local taxi company, the next record label distributor, the next video rental outlet or…
Look for where there are no bullet holes
In 1943, during WW2, the US military was trying to determine the optimum amount and position of armour on fighter planes and bombers. They knew that covering an entire plane with armour would make it heavier, slower, less manoeuvrable and, therefore more likely to get...
There are no substitutes for proximity
In the connected world of smartphones, emails, WhatsApp and Skype it is tempting to build geographic boundaries between you and the people that you work with. Sometimes, however, there is no substitute for proximity. It is easy to ignore an email or put it off for...
Launch your product for the most common user
“Why don’t we add x feature”, “let’s accommodate this business case”, “we can throw that in”, “I’m sure that someone would want to…
Ignore the FOMO
Most of us suffer from the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). We’re paranoid about missing opportunities, so we tend to follow crowds that seem to…
To master a new skill, we need to go through the pain of learning
Ever since my wife and I moved to Nelson Mandela Bay I’ve become surrounded by surfers. Every tenth car has a surfboard or two on the roof. My flat overlooks a local break so whenever I want to sit on my balcony I’m forced to watch them catch wave after wave. I want...
Choose your tribes
We all belong to various communities made up of family, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues and people that we don’t know well. Each of…
Stop barking at all the cars on the street
Resist the temptation to chase every opportunity that presents itself. Focus on the quick wins and the things that will take you closer to your goal. Ignore, defer or say no to everything else. If you look hard enough you’ll notice that life and business are full of...
A sale is the foundation of any business
Just like building a house, when building a business, you need to start with the foundations. Once the foundations are in place, you can…
There’s a fire coming down the mountain, what do you do?
“We’ve been evacuated” read the the WhatsApp message that woke me up early this morning. My wife was letting me know that her, our 7 week…
Persistence and Perseverance
“Life can deal you an amazing hand. Do you play it steady, bluff like crazy or go all in?” ― Joe Simpson
Find The Long-Term Balance in Life
“Believe me it is better to understand the balance sheet of one’s own life than of the corn trade.” — Seneca
Do Hard Things Because They Are Hard
“Because it’s there”
Always Do What’s Right
In business, life and politics there are opportunities to take ethical shortcuts to get ahead, be more popular or make more money. Some of…
You Don’t Know What The Customer Really Wants
It’s easy to pitch what you want to sell. It’s harder to pitch what the customer actually wants to buy.
Business is about connecting the dots
Business is about fulfilling a need, for a profit.
Leaders show up
To be a leader in your startup you need to show up. No matter how hard it is.
You don’t have to be top of the class to be an entrepreneur
You don’t need to have been top of your class to be a successful entrepreneur. In fact, it may help if you weren’t…
Trying to Build Great Startup Teams? Focus on Communication
We all want our startup teams to be successful. We want them to be creative, committed, productive, profitable, loyal and energetic.
Founders are Obsessed with Speed
It is easy to go slow. It is easy to bide your time hoping that someone else will do the actual work. Things feel safer when you’re moving…
Where Should I Live?
Over the last four years I’ve moved from Stellenbosch to Cape Town. Cape Town to Wellington. Wellington back to Stellenbosch, and from…
All About Meetings
Meetings can be a valuable or an expensive way to spend your time. They can open up opportunities, or cost you dearly.
The Success of Your Startup Can Depend on How You Deal With Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone.
Focus on the Job and not on the Glory
You’ve got a new high-profile project to complete. Maybe it’s internal, possibly the launch of a new product or the opening of a new…
How to get your Startup Team to Communicate Clearly
The success or failure of any startup depends on team’s ability to communicate.
Go for the Quick Wins
You’ve just ditched the suit. Left the corporate world. And have started a new job at a startup.
It’s one thing to deliver the goods once you have the contract. It’s another to show your potential clients that you’re willing to put in effort. Your initial emails and proposals are usually the first touch point with prospective clients. Most of them will decide...
How Namola can Help Make South Africa Safer
Namola is a smartphone application that dramatically improves police dispatch times and the communication between officers, the control room and citizens. It was recently launched in the City of Tshwane with the Tshwane Metro Police Department. This app allows users...
How Inqaku can assist SA win a World Cup
Inqaku is an initiative launched in partnership with South African Football Associate (SAFA). It replaces physical player cards with digital cards; saving money and creating a new way to combat age cheating and fraud. It is being piloted at schools in 2016 with the...
Startup Smoke and Mirrors
In the last episode of season 2 of the TV series Sherlock, a remake of the books by Arthur Conan Doyle, the villain Jim Moriarty uses a smartphone app to simultaneously break into the Tower of London, Pentonville Prison and the Bank of London. This results in a...
Website Consistency is Important
People prefer consistency over inconsistency. When returning to a website we like knowing what we’re going to get. We create a mental image of what a site looks like. When we arrive and everything looks different it makes us feel uneasy and confused. We hate searching...
How to Gauge Customer Loyalty
The best kind of startup is the one where your customers are your biggest sales team. If your customers: are promoting your product to their friends or family then your customer base will grow naturally, don’t care enough about your product to promote it then your...
How to Launch an Online Shop
eCommerce is not easy. It is very difficult to get people to your site and even harder to get them to make a purchase. If you believe that you can make it work here’s how to launch an online shop. These steps should make it possible for someone with little or no...
How to decide on a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
So, you have an idea for a great tech business but before you go all in, risk your retirement, hire staff and rent office space you should test it. A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a version of the business product with the least amount of features needed for you to...
How to be a Leader in a Startup
In startups you work in teams made up of highly-motivated and super-ambitious individuals. This requires a style of leadership that unifies the group and creates a productive business culture. Here are 8 tips on how to lead in a startup: 1. Avoid “I”. “I” when...
How to Build an App
Uber, AirBnB, WhatsApp…. Modern business revolves around mobile apps. Here’s how to build an app if you aren’t a software developer Step 1: Create an overview of what your app will do and who will use it The first step in building an app is to write a one-page summary...
How to Register a Domain Name
Finding an appropriate domain name (e.g. is one of the first and most important things that you need to do when you decide to launch a website. Here’s how to find and register a domain name in two easy steps. The rules It needs to be a .com (when you...
Sell dammit
You’ve gone off alone, scrambled to get some seed money, hired a few staff, designed a logo, launched the website and opened the doors to your fancy new office. You’ve done the hard part. Now you sit-back, grab a coffee and wait for clients to come. If only it were...
Apps should have one core feature only
In the world to app development less per app is more. Here are 4 reasons why it is usually better to split features out into individual apps than it is to add more features to a single app. Specialisation leads to better solutions When you are trying to solve too many...
The least life-changing to-do list (it changed my world)
An effective to-do list Is simple to use, unloseable, And doesn’t require that you make many significant changes to your day-to-day life. The last requirement is the hardest to find. It took me a very long time to find a to-do list that actually worked for me. Over...
My Stop Doing list
Inspired by this article on Farnam Street I decided to draft a Stop Doing list. The idea is to list the things that absorb time and don’t add value. Time is the most equally available resource; we all have exactly 24 hours in a day. 365 days in a year. If we can...
Advice for Startups Working with Government
There are 5 pieces of advice that one should follow when working with government or any large organisation. Always give the customer the credit. Respect the culture differences between your startup and the customer You don’t know everything. Shut-up and listen. Under...
4 reasons why entrepreneurs should study for as long as possible
Many very famous entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of their university degrees and some like Richard Branson didn’t finish school. This has created the impression that entrepreneurs need to dropout of school if they want to make it big....
What Wimpy has taught me about building an everlasting business
Launched here in 1967 Wimpy has stood the test of time and has become an iconic South African brand (like it or not). Here are some things I learned from Wimpy, while eating a consistently average toasted bacon and egg sandwich, on how to build an everlasting...
It’s important to dive in
Founder: Stefano Sessa (co-founder) Venture: Panacea Mobile Website: When I first started Panacea Mobile I thought of the world as a place where ‘it’ was wrong and I was right. Now I know that is the truth. Kidding. Although I am kidding (and I...
My everlasting romance with wine
Author: Jocelyn Hogan Wilson Venture: Hogan Wines Website: As a teenager, I had my sights set on becoming a botanist. I love to get my fingers into the soil, watch a seed or cutting being nurtured and to see it grow into something beautiful. I...
Namola and the public sector
The Tshwane Metro Police, together with the City of Tshwane, recently launched Namola, a pilot smartphone app that helps the user send a direct alert to the nearest Metro Police responders. The first available responder is automatically directed to the user by a...
It’s all about making the first move
Author: Sibella Knott-Craig Venture: Tribage Website: In 2012 our family did a fabulous campervan trip across the USA with our (then) two older children aged 4 and 1. It was obvious that we would never have been able to share this precious family...
When it comes to connectivity, the poor pay more
In Africa access to the Internet is not the problem, you can find 3G coverage almost anywhere. The problem is affordability. The price for prepaid data bundles from Vodacom, MTN and CellC in South Africa is shown in the figure below. As expected the larger the prepaid...
Why would a founder (or attempted founder) submit a letter to Startup Toast?
There are three (plus 1) reasons: 1. To teach Sharing stories about the obstacles a founder had to overcome, the mistakes they made and choices they faced can teach those who read them. A young entrepreneur can rely on the stories of founders, who found themselves in...
Why Startup Toast?
Recently I launched a new blog called The intention is to create a single place where those who have been involved in starting a business or venture can submit their stories and lessons. The best stories will be published into coffee table book....
Burning my fingers in eCommerce
Author: Craig Rivett Venture: JuJuFire Website: After a year of working as an Economist at a great company with amazing people I had one problem, I was bored. The work was cutting edge, the clients were fantastic and I was working with some of the...
My New Years Resolutions for Startup Success
This is the time of year for personal reflection. Reflection on what we’ve done right, what we’ve done wrong and most importantly on what we’re going to change or improve. These are my 5 New Years resolutions to help me and my startup adventure succeed in 2015....
Why StellieSafe can’t work if it’s exclusive to one company
StellieSafe is an aggregator of security companies that will provide armed response in public places. It will be launching a pilot area in Stellenbosch by Christmas. Here are three reasons why StellieSafe can’t work if it is exclusive to one company: The spare...
Three ways that StellieSafe can help security companies make more money
Here are 3 reasons why joining StellieSafe will help security companies sell more at-home and at-work armed response coverage, and make more money: A security company that joins StellieSafe signals that they believe in their service. If an armed response company...
Four reasons why security companies are not threatened by StellieSafe
StellieSafe is creating an “Uber for Armed Reponse” mobile application that connects users in need of assistance with the nearest available armed responder. It will be launched in a piloted area in Stellenbosch by Christmas. Here are the four reasons why security...
I’m engaged. What does it mean?
Last week Saturday I took my girlfriend for a gentle run in the rain on the mountain behind the Coetzenburg Gym in Stellenbosch. Half way through I stopped got down on one knee and I asked her to marry me. Other than telling your partner that you are 100% committed to...
Coffee is The New Smoking
Not so long ago cigarette smoke was the lubricant for office gossip and strategic planning. People of all ranks would gather outside to smoke. Business relationships were forged, nurtured and transformed into partnerships. Now that smoking has becoming increasingly...
Creating The Product Is The Easy Part
(First published on Startup Toast) At Ever Africa we have created a range or products including iPhone covers, mobile games and educational apps. We have even developed a mobile platform for individuals to buy books, at R1 a chapter. The most profound lesson about...
The Trick to Increased Productivity
As an entrepreneur productivity is key. Being unproductive means that there will never be enough hours in the day to get all that need to be completed done. The list of things to do will grow and you will be forced spend even more time away from your family, friends...
Taking Risks
“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” — Sheryl Sandberg Just over a year ago I quit my job as an economic consultant to get involved in a series of startups. My job was stable, exciting and interesting. I got to work with great...