Why Startup Toast?

Recently I launched a new blog called www.startuptoast.com.

The intention is to create a single place where those who have been involved in starting a business or venture can submit their stories and lessons. The best stories will be published into coffee table book.


Many of us have read the epic stories about Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg and other entrepreneurs who changed the world. These stories inspire us to dream big. They also give us a lens to see the startup journey through someone else’s eyes; a chance to learn from their mistakes and celebrate their wins.

The reality is that these aren’t the only epic stories out there. Some of the most riveting stories of overcoming obstacles and beating the odds are not from the Bill Gates’ of the world. They are from the start of ventures of all shapes and sizes.

There are other people like me out there who take inspiration from the stories of people who one-day decided to stop what they were doing and start something new. Who took on risk and sacrifice to create something new.

If you would like to submit a story or know someone who should submit a story go to www.startuptoast.com/submit/