We’re the star of our own movie and no one else’s

We see the world through the eyes of a single character; ourselves. Our journey is watched through the lens of our individual past, our…

We see the world through the eyes of a single character; ourselves. Our journey is watched through the lens of our individual past, our individual ambitions and our individual beliefs.

We get so engrossed with our personal movie that we forget that others are watching theirs.

Ever suffered heart break and then felt frustration that others don’t feel your pain?

Ever lost someone close to you and felt surprised about how life carries on as usual even though you want it to stop?

Ever felt proud, happy and excited about something you’ve done, and then realized that you’re kinda alone in that feeling?

The way we see our world is not the way that they see theirs. We can’t change that. We mustn’t try.

As we move through time — following our main character — we should try to consider

  • what we can change,
  • what we should change and
  • how we affect the main characters of other peoples movies.

If in doubt, aim for happiness and optimism. Enjoy your movie. If you’re not, remember that others may be enjoying theirs. Allow them to.