We’re all ambitious, we’re all driven and we all want to make a success of our short lives.
As we drive towards our goals we have two choices: we can either work with people or we can use them. We can help others grow with us, or we can use them and then toss them to the wayside when we don’t need them anymore. We can keep our promises and sales pitches, or we can treat them as a key to get through the door and then ‘forget’ everything we committed to.
Using people to get ahead is like picking up pennies in front of a steamroller. Yes, you may make some money for a while but one day the steamroller will get you.
You will get squashed.
You’ll pick up a reputation. No one will want to work with you. You’ll be isolated and forced to move from one con to the next. If you fall no one will be willing to help you get back up.
As you go through life remember those that helped you move forward. Be loyal, be sincere, be supportive and be honest. Help others grow with you.