Taking Risks

“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” — Sheryl Sandberg

Just over a year ago I quit my job as an economic consultant to get involved in a series of startups. My job was stable, exciting and interesting. I got to work with great people doing something I had always thought I would enjoy.

The one problem I had with this job was that there was too much certainty. I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to be doing the next day, the next month, or two years down the line.

I was given the opportunity to become an entrepreneur, to learn the tough lessons and make something out of nothing. I was told that I would not be paid for three months, or longer if we didn’t make any money. I took the biggest risk of my life, and it is the best decision I have ever made.

So why did I take it?

I made the decision to leave because of two realisations;

The risk wasn’t as big as it first appeared to be, and

Without risk, there are no rewards.

Once I understood that I had a safety net of friends and family that would support me if things were to go south the risk became manageable. Everything became about the rewards that I would get if I work hard, work smart and get lucky. I realised that in 5 or 10 years I would have regretted staying far more than trying and failing.