Resist the temptation to chase every opportunity that presents itself. Focus on the quick wins and the things that will take you closer to your goal. Ignore, defer or say no to everything else.
If you look hard enough you’ll notice that life and business are full of opportunities. It is easy to pursue all of them; venturing down every ally, chasing every bird, barking at every car that drive’s past or attempting to climb every mountain you see.
If you do that, your life will get complicated and chaotic. Your attention will get pulled in too many places and you’ll start heading in directions that don’t take you where you want to go. Eventually, you’ll stagnate and fail.
Focus on what’s next!
Trying to close a contract? Go for the one potential client that is most likely to sign-up and pay early.
Want to build a business? Ignore the exit strategy, and lay the foundation first.
Trying to get a girlfriend? Don’t hit on ten girls at once, start with the best candidate. If she’s not the one, cut her loose and move to the next one.