The pessimist sees obstacles. They list why a deal can’t get done or a problem is unsolvable.
They demotivate, planting doubt and drain energy.
They foster a scarcity mindset, pushing others to see zero-sum outcomes of a winner and a loser.
Creating a negative feedback loop with no results and more pessimism.
The optimist sees possibilities. They focus on why the deal will get done and how a problem will be solved.
This motivates and sparks innovation and the injection of energy.
They create an abundance mindset, lifting those around them.
This fuels action, leads to results and reinforces more optimism. A virtuous cycle.
Optimists win. Pessimists lose.
The optimist will solve the problem before the pessimist finishes explaining why it can’t be done.
Stop explaining why something won’t happen. Start believing it will.