Optimism. A tale of two frogs.

One evening, two frogs — an optimist and a pessimist —  were hopping around a dairy. Distracted by the number of flies and cows, they both…

One evening, two frogs — an optimist and a pessimist — were hopping around a dairy.

Distracted by the number of flies and cows, they both fell into a vat half full of milk.

Upon seeing the height of the walls and realising that there was no escape, the pessimist frog crawled into a ball and sank to the bottom.

The optimist frog saw the same walls and came to the same realisation as the pessimist frog, but instead of giving up, he decided to keep swimming. He believed that if he stayed afloat long enough, something would save him.

So, he kept swimming and swimming right through the night.

The following day, because of his kicking, some of the milk had been churned into butter. He was then able to stand up and jump out to safety.

The moral of the story? No matter how bad it seems, keep swimming. You have no idea how the story is going to end.

*Based on a story told by Winston Churchill in 1941, when few people could see how the Allies would win the war against Adolf Hitler.