Inspired by this article on Farnam Street I decided to draft a Stop Doing list.
The idea is to list the things that absorb time and don’t add value. Time is the most equally available resource; we all have exactly 24 hours in a day. 365 days in a year.
If we can remove things from your life that 1) you are not passionate about, 2) you are not good at and 3) doesn’t make economic sense we should be able to get more from the set time that we have.
Here is my stop-doing list.
I will stop:
- Watching TV when I can read a book instead.
- Pretending to work. If there is work to-do, do it. If not, go do something else (run, swim, read, anything — just not TV).
- Snoozing my alarm because “it’s cold” or “just 5 more minutes”.
- Checking my phone first thing in the morning.
- Ignoring calls from my wife (this one is NB).