Minor changes in process, and effort, and thinking can add up to become remarkable improvements. Especially in the long run. Even more so if these changes have a compounding effect.
Reading and writing every day builds knowledge and curiosity, and improves clarity of thought and the ability to communicate clearly. Unnoticeable daily improvements cumulate and compound to become striking.
Eating and drinking healthily will give you a little more energy each day. That little bit more energy will allow you to concentrate better and get more done. At the end of each month, it’s a lot more done.
Starting work at 7 am instead of 8 am each day adds up to 5 additional working-hours per workweek. That’s 250 extra hours per workyear, or the equivalent of over 1.5 workmonths for someone working 40 hours per week.
Having more small meaningful moments with your family with full concentration each week will make you closer and happier over time. This closeness will allow you to weather the storms that may come your way.
Small improvements that you start making today will add up. Look for them and start now.