Lead your troops over the Alps

What is the biggest and most audacious goal that you have for your business? Whatever it is, think bigger and go for it.

What is the biggest and most audacious goal that you have for your business? Whatever it is, think bigger and go for it.

In 218 BC Hannibal Barca lead his Carthaginian army of 40,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry and 40 elephants across the Alps. This bold move took the war against the Roman Empire to Italy and has become one of the most celebrated achievements of ancient warfare.

In their lifetime every entrepreneur should attempt one bold and brazen move remotely comparable to Hannibal’s epic crossing.

Pursuing your business’ metaphorical Alps will help you retain the best people (because the bad ones will give up and look elsewhere).

The act of leading your troops from the front lines will solidify your position as the leader of your team and will help build a legacy for attempting the outrageous and brazen.

Lastly, once you’ve overcome your barrier, you and your team will have no other option but to keep moving forward. With the wall behind you, there will be no way for you to retreat to the old way your business used to do things. You’ll need to continue to innovate, fight and drive forward into uncharted territory.

“Aut viam inveniam aut faciam” (I will either find a way or make one.) — Hannibal Barca

In the same spirit as Hannibal who was told by his generals that it would be impossible to cross the Alps with elephants, set your path for the biggest, hairiest and most audacious business goal that you can. And go for it.