How to Launch an Online Shop

eCommerce is not easy. It is very difficult to get people to your site and even harder to get them to make a purchase.
If you believe that you can make it work here’s how to launch an online shop.

These steps should make it possible for someone with little or no programming experience to launch an online shop. It will take some trial and error, and a lot of patience.

An online shop built like this could be used for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Once you have tested and proven that people want to purchase your products online it may be best to seek advice from a competent software developer.

Step 1. Get a Name

It all starts with a catchy name and a .com

Step 2. Host and install WordPress

WordPress is arguably the best Content Management System (CMS) for a do-it-yourself online shop.

Most good website hosting providers have a system for easy WordPress installation. You can also host directly on

Step 3. Turn your WordPress site into a shop

The WooCommerce plugin works well for this.

WooCommerce allows you to sell physical as well as digital products like music or photos.

Step 4. Customise the look and feel

Add a WordPress theme that works for you.

There are thousands available for free or for a price online. Google them.

Step 5. Add a payment gateway

The payment gateway that has worked best for me is PayFast. It allows you to receive payment via credit and debit card, instant EFT and Bitcoin.

It is also easy to implement and use.

Payfast charges no setup or monthly fee. You only pay when you get paid or when you get paid. This makes it perfect for an MVP.

Step 6. Upload your products

Remember to include good quality images.

Step 7. Promote your website

It is not going to be a case of build it and customers will come. If people don’t come to your site they won’t buy anything.

Tell everyone you know about your shop. Promote it where ever and whenever you can.

Good luck.

If you have any questions about launching your own online shop feel free to contact me or tweet @CraigRivett