Good Process. Bad Process.

Good processes allow people to think. Bad processes turn them into robots.

Good processes allow people to think. Bad processes turn them into robots.

Good processes are always evolving. Bad processes remain static.

Good processes allow anyone in the business to identify, report and rectify problems. Bad processes only allow top management to identify problems.

Good processes make everyone accountable. Bad processes hide incompetence.

Good processes disincentivise corporate politics. Bad processes create asymmetries of information and gatekeepers and fuels politics.

Good processes are designed for specific problems, places and times. Bad processes are designed for the sake of designing process.

Good processes attract A players. Bad processes attract C players.

Good companies understand that ‘the process’ has no ambition and will not mean that good work is delivered. They know that strong teams and employees with personal responsibility, ownership of their work, self-discipline and goals are more important.

Bad companies believe that having many process and policy documents will result in good work.