Execute passionately. Execute aggressively. Execute now.

Do you want to be remembered for your amazing plans or for your epic execution?

Do you want to be remembered for your amazing plans or for your epic execution?

In business the only thing that matters is output. Planning, deliberation and scoping are inputs.

You have finite time, energy and money. If you waste them on crossing all the t’s and dotting the i’s you’ll very quickly end up with no runway, bored staff and investors with no hope.

You can’t learn to swim by drawing flow diagrams on a whiteboard. Instead of trying to define every stroke, take the plunge.

The chances are that if you dive in with enough passion and aggression you will tread water. If you go under you’ll likely realise that no amount of planning was ever going to help you anyway.

“Marginal tactics executed passionately almost always will outperform brilliant tactics executed marginally.” — Harry Beckwith, Selling the Invisible.

What are you planning for? Take the dive.