A needy person is someone who prioritizes what other people think of them over what they think of themselves.
As Mark Manson says:
“Any time you alter your words or behavior to fit someone else’s needs rather than your own, that is needy.
Any time you lie about your interests, hobbies, or background, that is needy.
Any time you pursue a goal to impress others rather than fulfil yourself, that is needy.”
You are needy if you do something only to get someone’s attention or affection, not for yourself.
And people are very good at sensing neediness.
It’s like the smell of rotten milk. Neediness is repulsive.
A needy person is unattractive in dating.
They are as unattractive in business. We’ve all felt that feeling when a needy salesman desperately tries to sell you something they don’t believe in.
It also applies to leadership. If you want to lead, you must attract people to follow you. If you want to attract people, you can’t be needy.
Be true to yourself. Find out what motivates you and embrace it. Like-minded people will be drawn to you.