In a survey of entrepreneurs, all will acknowledge that most new businesses fail. All will also believe their business will be a success.
When asked to picture our futures, we will typically say that we’re less likely than our colleagues to be fired, have a heart attack or get divorced.
Are you a better driver than your neighbour? Are you sure?
It’s human nature to believe that we’re above average in our abilities, our luck and our futures.
That’s ok, as long as we have the right level of confidence.
Confidence is good. Overconfidence isn’t.
Overconfidence is believing that you’re innately better than most, regardless of luck or hard work. It’s believing that you’re a better driver, a better lover, a better business man, regardless…
Confidence is believing that you can be above average if… if you work harder than the average, you’ll be better than the average. If you live healthily, you’ll have less chance of having a heart attack than the couch potato next door. If you respect your spouse and balance your life, you’ll be less likely to get divorced than the misogamist down the road.
Confidence is conditional. Overconfidence isn’t.
Keep your confidence in check.